Why, Oh Why

person wearing gold wedding band

Why, oh why can’t they find a cancer cure? There are so many ravaged by the disease. That nasty disease is no respecter of age or temperament.

In just a few short months, I’ve lost three dear friends to cancer and three more have been diagnosed with the big ugly “C”. Previously, there have been many friends and family lost to it.

I know the native Americans, at one time, had a cure for cancer. But the white man wouldn’t listen, so that knowledge has been lost. What a shame.

Our scientists, engineers and lots of others, were knowledgeable enough to send a man to the moon; they’ve also managed to litter outer space. Why can’t people in labs find a cancer cure?

We used to hear of coming breakthroughs for cures for various kinds of cancer. In a few days that was never mentioned again. Now, we never hear anything said about possible cures. Lots of money is given for research—Where Does It Go????

Are the pharmaceutical companies buying this information so it can never be used and perhaps put them out of business? This has happened with other things, so it’s not impossible.

I don’t like to think of it this way, however, I know cancer treatments are very, very expensive; and lots of money is made treating cancer. One oncologist even told me, as we were trying to find a solution to a problem: “Unfortunately, we know how to make people sick, but we don’t know how to make them well.” I admire his honesty.

It would be wonderful if cures were found for all the various kinds of cancer so we wouldn’t lose relatives and friends to the ‘BIG C’.

(Note: the opinions expressed here are those of the author.)